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    集团新闻 乐鱼体育leyu-利勃海尔港口起重机营业额下降


    发布时间:2024-11-11    作者:乐鱼体育leyu

       山工机械 利勃海尔口岸起重机营业额降落 www.6300.net 2022-04-08中国工程机械信息网


    The Liebherr Group reported reduced turnover for its Maritime Cranes segment in 2021.

    The Liebherr Group has reported a total turnover of € 11,639 million for 2021. This represents an increase of €1,298 million or 12.6 %, compared with 2020, and nearly matches Liebherr’s previous record year in 2019 in terms of annual turnover.

    Liebherr said 2021 was a difficult year. “From the second quarter in 2021, to some extent, it was extremely difficult to procure various raw materials, components and electronic parts. This resulted in price increases and bottlenecks in the global supply chains. Despite that, Liebherr recorded a significant increase in sales revenues compared to the previous year. The Liebherr Group grew in eleven of its 13 product segments and in almost all of its sales regions.”

    在其海上起重机部分收入降落了6.9%(5500万欧元)至7.4亿欧元, 海上起重机产物部分的各个产物范畴成长完全分歧, 利勃海尔说。 在移动式口岸起重机范畴,利勃海尔扩年夜了其作为全球市场带领者的市场份额,而且与上一年比拟营业额有所增添。船用起重机产物范畴也有适度增加。年夜风行的后果和坚苦的市场前提影响了2021年的集装箱装卸营业额,但恢复正常和发卖增添改良了将来的前景。

    In its Maritime Cranes division revenue fell 6.9% (€55M) to €740M. “The individual product areas in the maritime cranes product segment developed quite differently, Liebherr said. In the area of mobile harbour cranes, Liebherr expanded its market share as world market leader and increased turnover compared to the previous year. There was also moderate growth recorded in the ship cranes product area. The consequences of the pandemic and difficult market conditions impacted container handling turnover in 2021, but a return to normality and increased sales have improved the outlook going forward.

    “Overall, business development in the maritime cranes product segment was unable to match the level of the previous year. Nevertheless, turnover increased in Central and South America, and Africa and the Near and Middle East, driven particularly by pleasing results in Brazil, Oman and the Ivory Coast. In the EU, the strongest sales market for the product segment, declines were recorded in Germany, among others. Increases in Slovenia, Spain and Sweden could not compensate for this. In the non-EU countries, Liebherr experienced the most notable sales decline in Russia. Despite growth impulses from individual markets in Asia and Oceania, the declines in China, Australia and New Zealand could not be compensated,” Liebherr said.

    在产物开辟方面,利勃海尔暗示,其2021年的核心之一是替换驱动,此中一个亮点是第一款由HVO柴油驱动的LHM 420,该策动机已交付给瑞典的Södertälje口岸。利勃海尔还强调了其在猜测性保护和机械健康新手艺方面的进展,和Liduro驱动器的主动化和长途节制方面的进展。

    In terms of product development, Liebherr said one of its focal points in 2021 was alternative drives, with a highlight being the first LHM 420 powered by HVO diesel, which was delivered to the Swedish port of Södertälje. Liebherr also highlighted its progress with new technologies for predictive maintenance and machine health, and with automation and remote control with its Liduro drives.

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